۳۱ شهریور ۱۴۰۳ |۱۷ ربیع‌الاول ۱۴۴۶ | Sep 21, 2024
Congratulatory message of Imam Khamenei, Leader of Iran on the occasion of ۱۵th Sha'ban

The narrations ralated to that great Imam (a.s.) and that era, focus on justice not piety.

Hawzah News Agency (Tehran, Iran) - The 15th of Sha'ban and the birthday anniversary of Hazrat Hujjat (God's greetings be upon him, and may He hasten in his re-appearance) is a noteworthy incident due to the characteristics of the 15th of Sha'ban and the birth anniversary of the Imam of the Age (may our souls be sacrificed for his sake) which are hope and justice.
There are two outstanding points in our anticipation and our celebration of the 15th of Sha'ban. One is the issue of raising hope on this birthday and for the future, where humanity is waiting as a result of this birthday. This is a source of hope.

Another is that in the world which will be created after the re-appearance of that great Imam (a.s.), the most prominent characteristic is justice. When you take a look at all the narrations and hadiths that have been recorded in regards to that great Imam (a.s.) and that era, you see that the main focus is not on the people's piety. Of course, people will be pious and religious in that era, but the main focus is on the fact that people will benefit from justice, at that time, and justice and equality will be established.

This notion exists in all Duas, prayers, and narrations about our great Imam (a.s.). That is to say, an outstanding point in that promising future is justice. Humanity is thirsty for justice.

This Eid is a cause for hope; and exactly the opposite of the disappointing atmosphere that the Front of Arrogance wants to bring about for the world's disadvantaged populations. The idea of awaiting means that hearts are filled with hope until the end of human life. Maybe, some people cannot see that era, cannot live in that period--it might be within a long time--but no doubt that time will come. Hence, congratulating the people on this Eid—which is the Eid of hope and the Eid of awaiting a fortunate ending--is the exact opposite of what the enemy wants to create.

Believing in the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) at one time in history is not specific to Shia Muslims. Rather, all Muslims—including Shias and Sunnis—believe in this notion. However, the Shias are privileged in that they know this Savior by name and features, and believes that he is always ready and prepared to receive the divine order. Any time God the Almighty commands him [to reappear], he is ready to initiate the great movement, which is supposed to revolutionize humanity and history. The lesson and the pragmatic and cognitive teaching we need to learn from this notion is significant.

The promise of a bright future for humanity and the arrival of a promised savior for promoting justice are universal beliefs that are shared by almost all divine religions across the world. Apart from Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, even Hindi faiths such as Buddhism - and other religions that most people have not even heard about - have informed their followers of such a future in their teachings. In fact, this has provided man with a kind of hope throughout history. It is a response to human need for this hope. Divine religions - which often have divine and celestial roots - did not intend to give people false hopes. They all expressed a reality. There is a reality in the creation of man and in the long history of humanity, and that reality is that one day the battle between good and evil is going to result in the defeat of evil and the victory of good. After this stage, man's true and pleasant life is going to begin in which struggle will no longer imply fighting. Rather, people will struggle for equality in doing righteous deeds. This is a fact that is shared by all religions.

Ayatollah Khamenei
The leader of Islamic Republic of Iran


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